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Sunday, March 20, 2011

R.I.P, Mr Vejayan

This post is a dedication to a great figure in my life, Mr. Vejayan.

Mr. Vejay was one of my favourite teachers back in secondary school. He teaches Sejarah, one of the most boring subjects you can get. But boring is not what you'll think of when you're in his class.

It's been almost 5 years since i left secondary school, but i can never forget this teacher. For 4 years i've been dreading Sejarah coz either the teacher sucked at getting our attention or they're totally boring. But not Mr. Vejay. He totally changed my perspective on Sejarah teachers.

His signature phrase, 'Santa Maria Mama Mia chiwawa ya ma chi chi' is well known to every of his students. He may look strict as a discipline teacher, but in class he threw it away and becomes your best friend. Sometimes i slept in his class and when i wake up he'll say "Good morning Suk Yeng!". He was the one who managed to change my grade from D7 to A2 in SPM.

But i guess the students now will not be able to get the chance to study under this amazing teacher.

Mr. Vejay passed away this morning due to liver cancer. It was said that he went for a check up but God took him away even before he receive his health report. It might have been too late for him but maybe God did not want him to suffer.

To those who want to pay your last respects, you can contact any of the our SMKSS teachers (Pn. Toh, Ms. Kok etc.) or 03-22825836 . The address is 56, Jalan Limau Nipis, Bangsar Park. Funeral will be held at 2pm.

My deepest condolences to Mr. Vejay's family and may he rest in peace.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Youtube's Latest Sensation?

There are so many videos on Youtube that are totally ridiculous, doesn't make any sense and downright stupid. Most of them don't really make it pass 1mil mark, let alone 10mil. To those videos that did, they would have to be somewhat witty, amazing or funny to the max. Lame videos? Not so. But this made me speechless.

I'm speechless not because it's so freaking amazing. It's because of the view counts. 21mil and counting in less than a MONTH !!! You must be wondering who the hell this person is for getting so much attention in such a short time. Nope it's not Justin Bieber.

It's Rebecca Black.

I stumbled upon my friend's fb status saying that she's the worse singer of the century. So i checked it out and guess what? He's totally right !! (Though lame's a better word to describe her). I....I just can't describe it through words so just check the video out alright?

Now here's what i think after watching this video:

1) Why in the world is this video so famous?

2) What the hell is she singing? I hate the lyrics ! It doesn't freaking rhyme and it's not even funny.

3) Is that what you call singing nowadays? Her range in this song is only like, an octave apart?

4) What are these kids doing with a car? They don't look old enough to drive one.

But hey, what if this video didn't contain any of these elements? Maybe she would just go unnoticed in this massive online video site. Good for her, too bad for the viewers. I bet you wished you didn't watch this video and contributed your views on her videos.

*Sorry if i made you watch this. I just need someone else to understand how i feel by wasting 4 minutes of my life watching this stupid video. Ugh.*

Friday, March 18, 2011


We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. ~Cynthia Ozick

The easiest way to test if someone really appreciate you is by volunteering. Volunteering basically means offering what you can do to make a difference to others without expecting any rewards in return.

I was approached by my friend about volunteering for a radio station. The idea of working for a radio station sounds very appealing to me, especially when it's related to the music industry. At first i agreed as i would love to have some sort of experience in this field. But another thought struck my mind. Would i get paid for this?

Now i know that volunteering and getting paid doesn't really go together. But what if your service actually gives profit to the company? And to think that i would have to sacrificed some of my time for someone else's profit does bother me a little, though my friend assured me that we volunteers will get paid when profits are rolling in.

At this point, whether i'm getting paid or not is not my main concern. Being appreciated is. For me, appreciation is one of the most sought after rewards to volunteers. Rewards does not mean in the form of money or valuables. A simple thank you or gestures that makes you feel appreciated are priceless.

But now i feel like my efforts are not being put to good use. Yes, i might not have any experiences, but i did try my best to do what i can to help. You asked for my help, and i did. But if you're not ready to accept any of my hard work, please do not waste my precious time. I'm not really sure what kind of situation you're in right now, but make sure that you appreciate every volunteers that are doing their best to help.

I've already spent so much time doing research, recordings, travelling, and even some of my sleeping time just to make it right. And now our program is on hold? If you think there's a problem why made us do so much at one time? Why say nothing when we asked for opinions?

I'm not asking much from you but i hope you can do something to improve this situation. Think about how you deal with people. Think about how you manage a business. Think about what you wanted to achieve in the first place, not based on what you can get. This is not only about you, coz you can never do this if you're alone. I believe i'm not the only one waiting for that change to happen.

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated. ~William James

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Stress !!!

I've seriously never met someone so 'batu api' as her ! I mean, wtf is wrong with her? Gaji tak cukup or you're just trying to ruin my life? If you're a fucking Buddhist you shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff. Do unto others as others unto you ! But you never learn don't you? Nevermind, God will definitely have His way of punishing people like you !

p/s: I need someone to yum cha with me like, anytime from now =.="

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Chapter

I've always wanted to open a new blog. Not sure why but i think i just wanna clear it up without deleting my older posts. So from now on, my old blog is no longer viewable. But no worries ! I'll be updating my new blog a bit more often. And maybe change the way i post now. Short and simple. Coz i just realise that i always crap alot in most of my posts ! =P

So this is my first post and hopefully more with interesting ones that i can come up with. Please visit often and thank you for even clicking on the link lol...have a nice day ! :)